We offer Federal Income Tax Reports and Multi-State Income Tax Reports all year round.
Electronic filing for Federal and State to get your refund as fast as possible.
The IRS allows you to correct mistakes on a tax return you’ve already filed by filing an amended tax return.
Incorporation is the legal process used to form a corporate entity or company. We are here to help you.
If your tax return has been flagged for review, there’s no need to panic just yet. There are several reasons why the IRS agrees to take a closer look.
An entity is required to report beneficial ownership information if it is a “reporting company” and does not qualify for an exemption.
We cover all aspects of bookkeeping and accounting services for CPA’s, businesses and accounting firms. We have been offering remote bookkeeping services since 2019. We have extensive expertise across multiple industries and business types.
Only a limited number of clients are accepted each year. If you’re ready to experience transformative tax savings and elevate your financial future, join the select small clients group who trust Max Your Tax with their financial strategies.
– Custom Tax Plans
– Comprehensive Tax Strategy
– Year-Round Support
– Complete Audit Protection